Thursday, June 28, 2007


I love that my titles are now so easy to type. To bad I can't just type a number and you guys would know what I was writing. Should you laugh, or cry, or come to my house and burn it down, but no, I have to go through the bother of typing out the letters and if you want, you have to take the time and read it all. Then you have to decide on what emotion will guide you. Laugh, cry or go look for the matches.
Anyway, this is none of those things. This is just info. Beazly and I plan to go up to Iroquois Lake and see if we can catch a fish or two today. Mike says that the water is so high that the water that flows under the bridge connecting the two parts of the lake is about six inches from touching the bridge. The R.M. has had to dump a bunch of gravel on the road to keep it from flooding and people are just fishing from shore as close as they can get to the bridge. The fishing has apparently been good, so I figure that even an unlucky guy like me should be able to catch the odd lake snake. Wish me luck, I have to finish packing.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Thank-you Melissa, I am now just going to number my posts from now on, unless inspiration hits when I think of a topic to write about.
Couple of things. The swelling in my leg went away with nary a diagnosis from the doc's. So thank-you very much for praying. You asked and God answered.
The other topic is one where I need to eat a little crow. And now that I am on a almost no salt diet, the feathers go down so hard. If you will recall I went on a rampage one day and everybody that had not posted for about a month got a comment from me telling that person to get with the program and post something new already. So when Melissa suggested this numbering thing, I went back and counted each one of my posts to see what number I would be on when I next posted. I know, I know, on the sign in page it tells you how many posts you have done, I never saw it until I had counted all the posts. Now the bad part. There was at least once that I didn't post for almost 2 months, and a few more times that were almost as bad. This does not include the time that I was in the hospital. I almost cried when I realized that I had called down my family members for the very thing that I had done, and my lapses were even worse. Ha, did not. But I did say duh, a couple of times and now I ate my crow and I am over it. Anyways, no more chastising for the lack of posts on anybodys part, unless I join in on a piranha feed like I have seen this family do in good fun.
The other thing I did was join crossings, again. I got five books, and a free gift for $9.50 which includes shipping and handling. I must buy 4 more books in the next 2 years. I would do that anyway, so I just hope I don't screw up some where and get stung. The free gift is this little electronic organizer thing. With this offer one of the books had to be this $60.00 Nelsons NKJV study bible. It has a lot of really good features so I think I will really like that. And who out there doesn't need another Max Lucado book.
Anyways, that's it from here, and again, thank-you very much for praying for me. God is working.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Just can't think of something appropriate

The other day I got a call from my cousin Marg Wiebe in Coledale and from then till last night we played tag. Last night she got hold of me and told me why she wanted to talk to me. Every year she walks in the Relay for Life, ( a Canadian cancer fundraiser where teams of ten walk a relay track all night long.) and she does it for people she knows who have either passed away because of the disease or are still fighting it. At this relay you can buy luminaries. These are candles placed in bags and set up all around the track to give walkers light and inspiration as they walk the track. When you buy a bag you can put the name of a person whom you are walking for on the bag. Yea, you guessed it, she bought a bag/candle for me. She was trying to get a hold of me before the relay to ask my permission to put my name on the bag. She couldn't, so she did it anyway and thought I would be okay with it. I cannot say thank you enough. I am so honoured and blessed that I have been born into this extended family that worships a risen Saviour and through that this family lives out its faith. All my nieces, nephews, cousins, brothers, sisters, my children, my wife, just everybody I can think of prays for me, that the Lord would heal me. Yesterday at the community church service, I don't remember how many people came up to me and said they were praying for me. Some I know well, others I only know to see them. Doesn't matter, they all bless me. Then, every now and then someone will do something special, and yesterday was just such an event.
Again Marg, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Further to last no title

When I went in to the ultra sound room, the young guy doing the test asked me where my pain in my leg was and when I told him I didn't have any he asked me what I was doing there. I told him I didn't order this so he went ahead with the test even though I guess pain normally accompanies a blood clot. It showed up negative. No clot. It is Sunday morning and my foot is still swollen a bit. It is never bad first thing in the morning so today I will attempt to keep it elevated and see if that helps. That's the latest on the ongoing saga of this stinking cancer, will let you all know if things change.
This weekend is Buster Days here in town and they do all kinds of things, most of which have to do with children, playing ball, and drinking beer in the beer gardens. Not the children in the beer gardens, but you know, to each his own. But one of the things that they never planned on which was intiated by Pastor Kevin is a Sunday morning community church service. He asked the other churches if they wanted to be involved and the Catholic and the Mission church said yes. So now on sunday morning we have a joint service at the curling rink. This morning Pastor Kevin is preaching and usally our church does the worship time. After the service for 2 dollars you can buy a hot dog and a water, and our church buys watermelon and supplys it free of charge. After lunch if we have any watermelon left we sell it to raise money for missions. It is a great time and it seems that everyone enjoys the service and time of fellowship after the service. Now I am starting to ramble so I'll just go.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Yeah, you guessed it, no title.

Yesterday, when I got out of my shower, I noticed that my left lower leg and foot were quite swollen. I called the kidney clinic, they returned my call early afternoon and didn't seem to worried about it. I than called the cancer clinic, wish I would have called them sooner. The nurse there told me to go to the er at the royal right away and she would call and tell them I was coming. She was quite worried that I could have a blood clot in my leg. So we left the house around 3 or 3:30 and went to hospital. After waiting my turn and then waiting for blood tests and finally getting these 2 needles to dissolve the possible clot at around 8pm they sent me home. This morning I can expect a call from them between 7:30 and 8:30 to let me know when to come in for a ultra sound to confirm whether I have a clot or not. I also have an appointment at the royal for 10:30 today for my pamidronate. This is given to me in an IV drip that takes 4 hours. It has to be given slowly because it is hard on my kidneys. Thank you very much. So it looks like I will spend my whole day at the royal again. I think I will spend some of this time praying for all the needs that are out there. Time goes by so fast when you pray and I have lots of things to pray about. Oh, the pamidronate drip is going to rebuild my bones, which is also a good thing, cause than maybe the pain in my leg and hip will diminish somewhat. I am starting not to like this disease very much.