Wednesday, February 13, 2008


This is the book that I used in the tag. Chris and I went to the Sally Ann to buy some stuffed toys for our dog and while Chris did that, I checked out some of the other treasures in the store. I wandered over to the book section. When I see a bunch of books, I always check out the old books first and as I did that the word buckskin just jumped out at me and I had to buy it. Say the title to yourself a few times "Doctor in Buckskin, Doctor in Buckskin, Doctor....." I don't think that you could resist this book either. No, I haven't read it yet, but as soon as I have I will let you know what its like.
Thats all I have for today. Chris has gone to work, so it is just me and Roscoe. I think I will go have a nap.


1. Pick up the nearest book ( of at least 123 pages).2. Open the book to page 123.3. Find the fifth sentence.4. Post the next three sentences.5. Tag five people. & post a comment here once you post it to your blog, so I can come see.

These are the rules to some dumb tag and seeing as how I don't have a lot of important things to do right now, I will accept this tag.

Hard to hurry on such a night. In the moonlight, Marcus saw Waiilatpu squared off and cultivated from river to creek and beyond as far as his eyes could gather in. The framework of his house took on a roof and walls.

These are the people I tag, and you better respond. Mitz, Melanie, Leah, Carol, and Becky.

The title and such I will post tomorrow.

The grader finally came down our street today for the first time this winter. If I ever move from this house it will not be next door to a school. All other streets in this town have been cleaned at least 2 or 3 times already. I feel like calling the town office and thanking them in a sarcastic kind of way, but then they might put the snow back, so I think I'll just shut-up.