Wednesday, March 29, 2006

The runaway freight train called my waist size

The nachos, salsa, cheese dip and a cold pepsi are calling me. The other day I was at church, getting some things ready for our up and coming Missions Conference. While the paint was drying, I looked at some photo albums that were done up for the churches anniversary. I ran across some old photos of me and I hardly recognized that skinny runt of a man.
We are back on the soup again. Last time we only made it a week and didn't only fall off the wagon, we took a running start and jumped off. So now we are not going to stick to it real strict, but are going to allow ourselves some decent food as well. This of course does not include nachos and pepsi. Nor does it include other kind of junk. So we will cut out the crap and still eat a bit of decent food. And maybe by the summer I will once again fit that speedo swimsuit that I have been saving. I can almost see myself,,,,,, all fit and tanned showing off my six pack, walking down the beach. Instead of white and fat, laying on the beach waiting for some green peace animal lover to come along and try to save my life by pushing me back into the water. Okay maybe the part with the speedo and tanned thing may never happen again, but sometimes I get afraid about the whale image. I watched a program the other day about a guy who weighed about 500 lbs, went on a diet, lost about 340 lbs, did all kinds of speaking tours and was the envy of all. Forget how long it lasted but he got back up to 700 lbs. He ate 2 dozen hot dogs for lunch or maybe 15 or 16 pork chops. He lost some weight but was still around 400 pounds when they did the tv program. I am a long way from that, but without some serious work on my part, this expanse around my middle is just going to keep growing.
Margaret, you inspired me. If you can go on a diet and lose a swack of weight, I believe I can as well. So here's to celery, carrot sticks, low fat cheese....yech!

Sunday, March 19, 2006

What to write, what to write.

My mind is just this empty restless void of nothing. I know that it is hard to be empty and restless at the same time, but there you have it. That's me right now. Hey, I just thought of why!! Its the same feeling that came over me shortly after I quit smoking and my body was craving nicotine. Maybe that's all I need. Inhaling a few good lungfulls of carcinogen laced smoke would probably set me right with the world...............................Naw, probably not. Just make me hack up one of my lungs and make me puke, and I really hate puking. Almost as much as I hate snow and winter. Sorry, I wasn't going to wine about winter anymore, but I hatess it so. I should have gone to Yorkton this weekend and played with Ben. That would have set my world right. But it was kind of warm all weekend with a wind so the highways would have been awful so I'm glad that I didn't go, but I do miss that boy. The webcam to Noah teases me, cause I can see him but can't touch him, and that's almost worse than not seeing him. That's not true either. I think I am just kinda cranky tonight. I read all my family's blogs, and realized again how much I miss them all. Didn't comment anywhere, just read them and left. Trav I went to the Great Buffet of China today. Hoping I would see you there. That place has improved, it was really quite good. Anyways, its almost 9:30, so I think I will go to bed, read a bit and go to sleep so I can go to work tomorrow and shovel about a million tons of snow out of my switches. Ah the joys of living in Saskatchewan.
Goodnight all.
The stupid spell check just asked if I wanted to replace goodnight with Codington. Who built this program anyway. And what is a Codington.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Hello, my name is John, and I am a union member.

That may sound like I am making light of alcoholism. Truly I am not. It just feels like some times I have to confess it. I am also a born again believer, I don't however feel the need to confess that, in fact I am proud of that.
Last weekend I spent my time at Watrous in a convention with my union brothers and sisters discussion solidarity, and what we could do corporately to the "man" to make our plight better.
We talked about policy and brought forward resulotions that we want our union to lobby the government on. These were not all bad resolutions, but a lot of them I could not vote for. But it was immaterial how I voted. It was kind of like trying to stop the water from falling over Niagara falls with one bag of sand. Unions are LEFT wing organizations, always have been, and probably always will be. I on the other hand lean more to the right. That is the dilemma I have. How does a right winger like me belong to a left wing organization? Did I mention that I am on the executive of our local? No? Well I am. I took the job because I wanted to bring a little balance to our organization. Unions a lot of times are about protecting the worker at all costs. I am all for protecting the worker against no neck employers, but sometimes we forget that we came to the employer asking for work and promised to do a fair days work for the pay that no neck was offering. I don't think I would like to work for my present employer without the benefit of my union, but I have worked for employers before who were very good to their employees. Treated us more than fair all the time.
At this convention, it seemed that anything the NDP had done, or was doing, or would have done had they been elected, was met with hand clapping and amens. While everytime the Conservatives of any stripe were mentioned, the room broke out in a chorus of boo's and hisses. How can we be so narrow minded? Must I turn in the portion of my brain marked "free will" when I sign on the dotted line? I don't understand. Not sure if I ever will. But until something better comes along, I will keep my union membership and try to remember that I work for my employer and not for the union.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

I hatesss it...

It snowed again. 15 no good for nothin, lousy, stinkin centimetres, or 6 inches. But when your whining about it, you always go with 15 no good for nothin, lousy, stinkin centimetres. I just got in from shoveling the path from the back door to the garage. Yesterday I shoveled most of the front driveway. The rest I will do in June if it is still there. Some of you may have read or at least heard about the western paperback books and there is always some poor hero heads into the desert with a horse and pack, then a few days or weeks later he pulls himself out and barely makes it to the nearest creek. Well thats how thirsty I was when I was done shoveling today. I barely made it to the fridge, managed to reach in and pour myself a near beer, (no alcohol) went to put in a dolop of clamato, and low and behold it was light cranberry grape juice. Through my bleary eyed, near delerium state I was just able to stop the flow before it was completely spoiled, pull out the proper mix and fill my glass. I drank it anyway, even though it had a bit of a purple tinge to it.
What I am trying to convey here is that I don't like winter. None of it. But I can't leave. My grandson's live to close. And those boys are worth putting up with anything.