Sunday, January 28, 2007


The title obviously lies, cause I have only posted 54 times in the life of this blog. I just don't like the feeling of pressure that comes over me every time the cursor starts flashing in the title box. From now on I won't use a title unless a blog comes to mind with a title. I feel like I just won a small victory, don't know against what or whom, but a victory non the less. Onwards and upwards.
Remember about a year ago, maybe less, I posted about trying to make a family size bottle of Pert Plus last an entire year? Well, I did it, and I still have a bit left. I am excited about doing it and scared at the same time. I feel a bit like the car salesman in Seinfeld when Kramer talked the salesman into trying to see how far the car would go when the gas gauge was on empty. The shampoo is obviously the gasoline, but my hair is Kramer. I am not sure which is going to leave me first. I know that I only managed to make the shampoo last this long cause I cut off all my hair in the summer, and even after that I worked at using as little as possible once it grew back in the fall. Did you know that you can wash a head of hair with a pile of shampoo in your hand equal to the size of about 3 nickels? Of course it helps if you can see a good portion of your scalp through your hair, like I can. I am starting to think that the bottle will never run out and maybe my hair will all fall out before the bottle runs dry. There has been an inch of shampoo in the bottom of this bottle now for a long time, seems like months. I think its some kind of shampoo from a parallel galaxy or something, and now I will go to my grave, completely bald and still have shampoo sitting on the side of the tub. I never should have started on this quest. I think I should go have a shower and just tip that bottle over until the shampoo stops running, and with soap in my eyes and suds to my ankles I will throw down the bottle and scream, I win. Maybe not. This has made me tired, I think I will go lay down on my new couch and have a nap.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Google: Enemy at the gate, and other stuff.

I hate google. There was a window pop up on my computer one day that said there was a new download for Internet Explorer Browser, so being the wizard that I am, I downloaded it and then it took me forever to get rid of google as my home page. Mozilla firefox also has to have a google account to even access my favorites page. When I want to comment on a blog I have to sign in with my google account. I tell you folks, it's a conspiracy. They are going to infiltrate everything to such a degree, that soon you will need a google account to buy anything at Wal-mart. They will require you to carry a google card, much like your debit card. In fact I'll bet they do away with debit cards altogether and just use google cards. You won't be able to buy or sell without that google account. (You know where this is going, right?) Then they will want to put your account on a computer chip and implant it into your right hand or maybe your forehead. I wouldn't be a bit surprised that if someone knew the numerical value of google, it would be 666. ooooouuuu scary stuff. Back to real life.
I had a most marvelous Christmas. All my kids were here. We all met at Henry and Margarets on the 30th for our Braun Christmas. Everybody made it except for some noticeable absences from the west part of the country. We are not going to mention any names though because we are still in the holiday spirit and we wouldn't want anybody to feel like maybe THEY were the culprit. I'm kidding Tutz, undo that knot. When we were in Melfort, Noah took a liking to Emily that was just priceless to watch. The only time he left her was to get something to give to her. He would sit cross legged in front of her and then scoot forward till he was touching her. Never saw anything like it. Saturday before Glen and Becky went home we went to the WDM and Ben just fell almost as hard for the big train engine and a tractor named Henry (Ben's name for the tractor) as Noah did for Emily. We stopped for a coffee and snack in the cafe there and Ben took about two sips of his chocolate milk and he was ready to go see the engine again. I went with him and all the way down the street at the museum he was talking about "going to go see the big train, right Grandpa?" I would say right and then he would start right in again " going to go see the big black train, right Grandpa?" right again Ben "gonna sit in the big black train, right Grandpa?" right again Ben. This went on all the way till he was sitting in the engine and then it was " this is a big train, right Grandpa?" right again buddy. I think this place was the hi-light of his entire Christmas. I definitely know where to take him to keep him amused.
It was a really, really good Christmas.
I have resolved not to rant on this blog anymore. I think that is why I haven't posted in so long. After being a ranter, (is that a word?) for so long it is tough to stop. And people in the world just continue to give me so much fodder its tough not to rant. But I am not going to do it anymore. Instead of looking for the stories that tend to choke me up, I will look for those that lift me up. I will talk about things that make me glad to be here, and not those that make me want to slap someone. I know there will still be people who need a good smack now and then but someone else will have to do it.
Other than the google rant, I think it won't be too hard. What do you think?