1. Pick up the nearest book ( of at least 123 pages).2. Open the book to page 123.3. Find the fifth sentence.4. Post the next three sentences.5. Tag five people. & post a comment here once you post it to your blog, so I can come see.
These are the rules to some dumb tag and seeing as how I don't have a lot of important things to do right now, I will accept this tag.
Hard to hurry on such a night. In the moonlight, Marcus saw Waiilatpu squared off and cultivated from river to creek and beyond as far as his eyes could gather in. The framework of his house took on a roof and walls.
These are the people I tag, and you better respond. Mitz, Melanie, Leah, Carol, and Becky.
The title and such I will post tomorrow.
The grader finally came down our street today for the first time this winter. If I ever move from this house it will not be next door to a school. All other streets in this town have been cleaned at least 2 or 3 times already. I feel like calling the town office and thanking them in a sarcastic kind of way, but then they might put the snow back, so I think I'll just shut-up.
These are the rules to some dumb tag and seeing as how I don't have a lot of important things to do right now, I will accept this tag.
Hard to hurry on such a night. In the moonlight, Marcus saw Waiilatpu squared off and cultivated from river to creek and beyond as far as his eyes could gather in. The framework of his house took on a roof and walls.
These are the people I tag, and you better respond. Mitz, Melanie, Leah, Carol, and Becky.
The title and such I will post tomorrow.
The grader finally came down our street today for the first time this winter. If I ever move from this house it will not be next door to a school. All other streets in this town have been cleaned at least 2 or 3 times already. I feel like calling the town office and thanking them in a sarcastic kind of way, but then they might put the snow back, so I think I'll just shut-up.
Ahhhhhh Dad, it's good to have you back. I'm sitting beside a book shelf, and since I did the closest book on Mom's blog already, I'll quote something from the next closest book...
"So Gandalf went on with the tale, until he came to the fight in the dark, the discovery of the lower gate, and their horror when they found that Mr. Baggins had been mislaid. We counted ourselves and found that there was no hobbit. There were only fourteen of us left!"
i agree, it is good to have you back... and i'm jealous, i'm still waiting for the city to come and clean my street. i emailed the public works dept. and they didn't do jack, so i emailed the mayor and council. i just got a letter today, they're actually going to be discussing my letter to them at council.... maybe, just maybe, my street cleared
Hey John. I agree it's good to check your blog and see that you are back. I thought they always did the streets by the schools first. The bus drivers must not be complaining.
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