The other day while getting a pair of pants out of my closet to go to work, I ran across a pair of jeans that I hadn't wore in a while and shortly after getting to work I remembered why. The cold got to me and I had to go to the washroom. By the time I got all those buttons undone, it was almost a wasted effort. Who was the dipstick that thought we should put a closure devise on jeans that would take 5 minutes to undo. What an awful pair of pants. As I get older and my bladder loses more of its power to resist the urge to go, I think I will just go to wearing suspenders and never do up the buttons. That way I will never have an accident. Some of you who see me a little more often might want to start praying for the quick demise of these jeans, if you don't want to see me walking around with my pants wide open.
On to another topic.
Chris and I have taken to shopping at Safeway. Not only because they actually have stuff on the shelves, or a really nice bakery, but also because of, you guessed it, airmiles. If you watch the flyer's, and coupons, you can really rack up the airmiles fast. The other day I dropped Chris off while I went and gave the car a quick wash. When I got back, there she was with a few groceries in the cart and her coupons clutched firmly in her hand, checking yet another product before she dropped it in the cart. Regardless of the coupons, she always checks out calories, fat levels and stuff like that. When I got there she asked if I would take a coupon and go find this or that and away I would go. Oh wow, if I get three Right Guards, I get 15 airmiles. Hey, no problem, I will eventually use them. I sweat.I would then go running back to Chris and the cart, and she would give me another coupon, send me off on another hunt while visions of sand and surf, or maybe rocks with huge crashing waves danced in my head. Oh we were going to have so much fun. Who said I hated grocery shopping. We were on a mission. When we got to the till Chris did the final dig in her pocket and came up with the big one. 100 bonus miles if you spent $250.00 or more. We grinned at each other like a pair of kids. Did they know how many airmiles we were going to get? Were they serious about this? Then the hammer fell, she mentioned the date, and instantly my thoughts of crashing waves were gone. Replaced with the vision of a flight attendant laughing and saying, "You want to go where? Not with those airmiles buddy, maybe you can go to Regina, har, har, har" The coupons had expired the day before. There would be no 10 Kraft products in my cupboard, or 3 Right Guards in my medicine cabinet in the washroom. Worst of all, no sand and surf. I was so choked I wanted to just leave everything right there and walk away. But Chris said "no, we still need a lot of these grocery's" She walked around the store putting stuff back in the shelves, so I went and helped. Although what I wanted to do was put it all in the frozen foods section. Wouldn't they be surprised when they found frozen Right Guard next to High Liner fish sticks. Serve them right for not posting the date right at the door when you walk in. So we went home with only a small portion of the grocery's we were going to get and a small portion of the airmiles we were going to get as well. When I got home I took the proper Safeway flyer and threw it in the garbage. Don't be looking for vacation pics on this site anytime soon.
On to another topic.
Chris and I have taken to shopping at Safeway. Not only because they actually have stuff on the shelves, or a really nice bakery, but also because of, you guessed it, airmiles. If you watch the flyer's, and coupons, you can really rack up the airmiles fast. The other day I dropped Chris off while I went and gave the car a quick wash. When I got back, there she was with a few groceries in the cart and her coupons clutched firmly in her hand, checking yet another product before she dropped it in the cart. Regardless of the coupons, she always checks out calories, fat levels and stuff like that. When I got there she asked if I would take a coupon and go find this or that and away I would go. Oh wow, if I get three Right Guards, I get 15 airmiles. Hey, no problem, I will eventually use them. I sweat.I would then go running back to Chris and the cart, and she would give me another coupon, send me off on another hunt while visions of sand and surf, or maybe rocks with huge crashing waves danced in my head. Oh we were going to have so much fun. Who said I hated grocery shopping. We were on a mission. When we got to the till Chris did the final dig in her pocket and came up with the big one. 100 bonus miles if you spent $250.00 or more. We grinned at each other like a pair of kids. Did they know how many airmiles we were going to get? Were they serious about this? Then the hammer fell, she mentioned the date, and instantly my thoughts of crashing waves were gone. Replaced with the vision of a flight attendant laughing and saying, "You want to go where? Not with those airmiles buddy, maybe you can go to Regina, har, har, har" The coupons had expired the day before. There would be no 10 Kraft products in my cupboard, or 3 Right Guards in my medicine cabinet in the washroom. Worst of all, no sand and surf. I was so choked I wanted to just leave everything right there and walk away. But Chris said "no, we still need a lot of these grocery's" She walked around the store putting stuff back in the shelves, so I went and helped. Although what I wanted to do was put it all in the frozen foods section. Wouldn't they be surprised when they found frozen Right Guard next to High Liner fish sticks. Serve them right for not posting the date right at the door when you walk in. So we went home with only a small portion of the grocery's we were going to get and a small portion of the airmiles we were going to get as well. When I got home I took the proper Safeway flyer and threw it in the garbage. Don't be looking for vacation pics on this site anytime soon.