First Christmas
Sorry this is not some warm, melt your heart story about Christ first appearing on this planet. This is about the first family Christmas we here in cold Saskatchewan had today with my parents because some babies in sunny bc didn't want to travel to snowy Saskatchewan to be with their parents at Christmas so they stole mine for the holidays, making us left here to have our Christmas early. This whole last sentence should be read with a slight whine in your voice and a small sneer on your upper lip on the right side. Go ahead read it again and I will wait. Done? Good, then here is the rest. My parents are going to spend Christmas in BC this year with what has become the majority of the family. If we take Abe ( he is closer to Saskatoon then Victoria) then we are in a deadlock. So today we had Christmas with them here and on Monday they fly to BC. Chris and I talked about it on the way home and it didn't seem much like Christmas. Mom and Dad handed out their gifts and we gave them ours, but other than the turkey dinner it was lacking somehow. We didn't play balderdash, we didn't play steal the present game and we didn't play Knipsdash. But the biggest thing I think was that there were only 21 people in total in the hall. How I would love it if just once more we could all be together for Christmas. All my brothers and sisters, their kids and their kids. Someone with better math skills can add that up and let me know how many people that is, but I am not doing it tonight. I somehow don't think it will ever happen again. We have become so big that we will never be able to get that many people together again on the same day. It was still good. I got to show off only one of my grandson's, I ate to much and drank to much coffee. I also heard a really good Christmas joke that I will share here someday soon. I got to visit with some of my younger nephews and neices, which is scary in a way cause that means I am just getting older. If all this meandering doesn't make a lot of sense, you should see all these thoughts in my head, all trying to get out with the intention of being put down on paper, so to speak, and they all want to be first, cause they know that if they are not near the front I will forget some of the last ones and they will never get out. Forever to roam aimlessly in the caverns of my mind and blocked from ever escaping by songs like, All for the love of Sunshine by Hank Williams Jr or any number of songs that pop into the forefront of my mind simply by mentioning a word or phrase. See now I don't know where I was anymore, even though at the start of this blog I had it all nicely laid out in my mind. Oh well. To all the family that I won't see this Christmas I pray that you will have a truly wonderful time. I pray that you will all be safe in your travels. To those like Mel way down there in the States who is sharing her first Christmas with her new hubby Peter and his family a special blessing on you. I pray that you will have a joyous time and really become a member of that family. And don't miss your Mom and Dad to much. And to all you thieving family down on the island, enjoy your Christmas very much. I hope you all eat to much and put on at least 5lbs over the holidays. I got to go to bed. goodnight