Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Things that amaze & things that #!!!%&****

Today I saw something that I don't see very often but it has always amazed me. When I see it, its kind of like seeing a really good card trick and going "how did he or she do that!!!!!!" I had to go to the grocery store to buy coffee and stuff for the lunchroom. When I had unloaded my stuff into my car a older guy walked up to me and asked if he could buy my cart cause he didn't have a looney, just a dollar. I was mesmerized. He could have taken my cart and not given me my dollar in change and I probably would not have noticed. For hanging off his bottom lip was a rolly. For those of you uninitiated, that is a hand rolled cigarette. It was stuck to his lower lip, still smoldering, like it was crazy glued on there. He could talk normally, you know, open his mouth fully while forming words, and that sucker just stayed right there, as if it had always been there. I wanted him to keep talking cause I wanted to see it bob along on his lip, but I was totally flabergasted and couldn't thing of anything to say. Besides, I guess it might have been rude to just stare at it, like you might if he had a melanoma on his lip, like that teacher in the movie "Uncle Buck". What a great show. The thing was kind of ugly and brown, just like that melanoma, but I digress. Through all the years that I was a slave to that ugly weed I could never get a cigarette to hang on my lip like that. Ahhh missed oppurtunities.
The thing that choked today was not something that I rarely see, in fact I see it to often. It was one of these 4 X4 trucks, with the real nice paint job, fancy chrome wheels and those (bleeped out) lights in the bumper of the truck that are usually brighter than any other hi-beam lights on any other vehicle. By far most of these vehicles will never see any off road conditions or rougher terrain than a grid road, so what is the reason for putting these bright lights on a vehicle. And trucks are not the only ones with these lights. I see lots of small cars, usually in the sporty class with these mini suns stuck in the bumper. If you meet one of these vehicles on the highway and give them a quick blink with the hi-beams, they then get indignant and turn ther hi-beams on and leave them on. Now it is like driving directly into the sun and all you can do is squint into that glare and pray that you are not in their lane. Why would car makers put these lights on cars. These aren't rally cars that drive through the desert at night. These are cars that are never driven anywhere but on asphalt for goodness sake. I just really hate those lights.
Anyway those are just a couple of things that occupied my mind today. But the most important was that my grandson Noah is coming here from Winnipeg tomorrow and I along with his grandmother get to see him first cause I get to pick him up at the airport. I haven't seen him since thanksgiving and I really miss him. He started walking at 9 months and is now 10 and Jonathan told me last night that the boy is almost running already. He looks so much like his father that it's almost eerie. When I look at him it is like turning back the clock almost 30 years. This is going to be one of my best Christmas' ever. Mike is coming home from BC and that means my whole family will be here. I have a great family and this is going to be just great.


Blogger footsack said...

John I'm glad you get your whole family at home for Christmas. I have 2 missing this year and things just are not the same. We are all a little long in the face because of it. Home really is where your heart is. That was always such a tacky kind of saying but it gets more true every year.
As far as those guys with the lights, we don't get that anymore here. In BC they make you take them off or turn them off. They are quite strict here with that kind of thing. See..another reason you should maybe think about moving here. :)

8:35 AM  
Blogger Margaret said...

I am so thankful for these stupid blogs. It's almost like seeing you when I read your blog. I can almost see your eyes shine with tears when you talk about your family especially your grandsons. It almost makes me wish I was your kid. LOL
The old soggy stoggy hanging on the lip...That is a real turn on for most women. I don't even understand your facination with it. I'm telling you, if I ever started to date a guy and he came to visit with one of those stinking "melanomas" hanging on his lip I would slam the door in his face and tell him to go home and was his mouth with bleach. OK. I guess I can understand why you would be facinated with this, after all you are male and i live with males. They can be a little wierd at times.
As for the headlights. I also hate those things on the fronts of vehicles. I have been told that there is a switch in the car to turn them on or off, but I am doubtful. Every time a drive towards a vehicle with those things on the car, they are turned on. When I get their brights I, like you, just squint and pray that I can stay in my lane. I keep my eyes on the solid white line on the shoulder and after they are past, it still takes a minute for your eyes to focus to the dark again. Talk about dangerous. Last year, Art had those pretty running lights along the bottom of his truck and was stopped by the police and told that they were illigal and he would need to remove tham immediately. I don't know about you, but I would much rather meet someone like that on the highway at night than the joker with those awful high beams.

8:36 AM  
Blogger Margaret said...

I thought I was the only nut who gets up this early and blogs. When i first read this post there were no comments and by the time I write my comments (although I am a little longwinded) There are 2 comments already posted. We are a saaaad bunch of people. LOL

8:42 AM  
Blogger footsack said...

Yeah..couldn't sleep again so I was up checking blogs. I used to check my e mail but now I do this. I have to finish my shopping today so I have to get at these blogs early you know.

9:19 AM  
Blogger Becky said...


12:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I honestly don't think that any male under the age of 30 should be allowed to drive a truck of any kind. I don't believe in mini-vans either... but don't tell my inlaws, I need to borrow their van to move our ugly 40 dollar couch out of my nice clean apartment. Don't ask, mom, it was left our of the pictures. As for Christmas, I am so excited to wake up whenever I freakin want (Shawn still wakes us all up a 5:30 to open presents and if not him, Robyn) and open presents with Peter. I have no clue what I'm getting, which is always great. Peter's family also have a bunch of traditions I've never had - like reading the Night Before Christmas on Christmas Eve, so though it is a little strange and sad to be away from my family this year (not that I'd know, I don't let myself think of it) I am excited about this year. I love your blog Uncle John, in three entries I feel like I know you better than I ever did and that makes me happy.

4:14 PM  
Blogger John said...

Mel, I am glad that you comment all over the place and especially here. I love it when you all comment. This blogging thing is kind of like a private journal and yet we put it out there for the world to see. Sometimes I think we are a little more real here than in person.

9:39 PM  
Blogger Trav said...

yes and no uncle john... it's easy to be a lot more real about the things we want to be real about, at least that's been my experience...

11:24 PM  
Blogger Becky said...


2:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel a little more bold on the blogs too, not that I needed more boldness. I love all the comments just as much as the blogs. This is the best thing our family has discovered since Balderdash... he he he... roadstuds...

6:12 PM  
Blogger footsack said...

to me it's like a mini family reunion that just doesn't end. I think it's way better than balderdash. :)

6:42 PM  
Blogger Becky said...

Aunty Mitz,

That's probably because you don't know what a wongee is... If you knew that then you might have a different opinion. (Although I like the constant chattering back and forth as much as the next guy... Well maybe not as much as Trav and Ang, but lots anyways...)

P.S. I liked your most recent post. Visiting Janie always makes me get things in perspective too.

5:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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9:54 AM  

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