Sunday, January 18, 2009


So blogger says that this is #79 as far as posts go, who am I to argue. Its to late at night to argue, so I was wrong, big deal.
Anyway, I went back and looked at my post from the middle of the night and even though that was actually me, some of those sounded kinda dark and so serious. There is more to me than that. So my wife said that I should do another one that would more accurately reflect who I am.

1. I think cats are filthy beasts, and my dog (Roscoe) can do almost nothing wrong. If you think I am wrong, just strike up a relationship with both and tell me which is more satisfying.

2. Hello, my name is John and I am a Toronto Maple Leaf fan. I am also a Rider fan, but somehow that doesn't make me feel the same as it does to say I am a Leaf fan.

3. Cancer has given me at least 5 compression fractures in my back and although I have never been tall, now that I lost an additional 2 inches I find that I think about it quite a bit. Does that make me vain, or shallow?

4. I am also a fan of western movies. John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, Sam Elliot are just a few of the best cowboys on the big screen. My favorite western is probably "The Cowboys". All around favorite movie, "Groundhog Day"

5. I can hardly watch TV without physically holding the remote in my hand. It can't even lay on my lap, I have to hold it in my hand. And then when I drift off to sleep sometimes my fingers twitch or move and I will be pressing buttons and actually be asleep. Drives my wife crazy. Especially when she accuses me of falling asleep and I deny it, and refuse to give up the remote. I have so little fun in my life.

Anyway that is kinda who I am. Now I would like these people to tell us a little about themselves.

Angela (Arnie)

This might take awhile as I post so seldom that nobody comes here anymore. If you know these people, tell them to get with it.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

What, this is an award?????

So this is called an award. Should I not than be happy to have received it? Why am I not happy and only tense? I am not sure why my wife gave me this. Does she want me to be more honest with you or myself? Or does she think that I am already an honest person? Probably not the second one, is it? Okay, I will attempt this.

1. I am a born again believer and it pains me to admit that I spend less time with my Saviour than I do with my television which will only drive me away from my faith.

2. I have no patience with other drivers on the road. They are only morons wasting my time or speed freaks about to kill us all.

3. I have the ability to truly hate. I hate the cancer in my life. It has changed so much the things that I can do.

4. I am kinda opinionated. About just about anything. And sometimes if you don't agree with me I lump you into one of the categories in #2. Sorry, you wanted honest.

5. I also think I can do just about anything and will sometimes attempt it to my detriment.

6. I buy more tools than I use. I have a brand new drill press in my garage, that has never been opened. Also a bunch of small stuff that I run across from time to time and find out that I have doubles of.

7. I, just like my mother, am a pack-rat. If it wasn't for my wife, I don't think I could move in my house.

8. I would sooner be fishing. I am not sure if that counts, but it is honest.

9. Because #8 may not be what it should be, here is another. I really love my sister and brother-in-laws hot tub. I am also hoping this gets me another invite. I also love my sister and brother-in-law.

10. I come from a large family. I have 9 brothers and sisters, who all did their part in populating this ball we live on. I also have a lot of beautiful cousins out there. I miss them all and as I get older I realize just how much I love them. And from the prayers and gifts that I have received from them since I was diagnosed, I know that they in turn love me.

10a. Because I don't want to get accused of cheating with 8 and 9,: Even though I don't always honour the God who gave me salvation, He continues to bless me. I have the most beautiful children and grandchildren in the world, hands down. If you don't believe me, go visit their sites and try to tell me differently. He has also blessed me with the most long suffering woman in the world as my wife, thanks for sticking it out with me.

10b. If there was only one thing that I could have changed in my life would be that the love of my Saviour would manifest itself in my life.

10c. I never dream. Not that I don't have dreams for myself, I don't dream, at night, when I sleep. I wish I did.

That's it, I quit. If this was to honest or not honest enough, let me know. I am sure I will have an opinion about it. It is now 4:46 am and I am going to try to go back to sleep. Maybe that's why I don't dream, I am not asleep long enough to dream.


I was just reading some of the comments on my wife's blog and Trav said he didn't post often. I went and looked, Trav, you post more than I do. And now my wife has given me an award and I am not sure why. Does she want me just to post or is she looking to see if I can actually be honest with myself and share that with you. This is going to require some thinking and a later post. I have been up since 4 and only had one cup of coffee so my head is not working quite right. Besides I don't know how to get the award over to my site, and Chris is not up yet. Wait for it folks. At least I got in another post.