Sunday, June 11, 2006


The other day I was going south on Spadina and going to turn up 25th street bridge. Now those of you who know Saskatoon will know that if you need to get onto the bridge at rush minute it is quite easy. When you come up the loop and it joins Spadina Northbound people will let you in and everybody just takes turns, again getting onto the bridge a 100 feet further along, it is the same thing. It just warms the cockles of your heart the way people share at this corner. You know, you just relax behind the wheel a little, and the trip doesn't seem as bad.
So what happens to people only a few blocks up after you have left the bridge.
There was a lot of traffic and when there was room to change lanes I signaled my intention and changed lanes. Only thing was that as soon as I put on my signal light, this little brat of a girl in the left lane sped up hoping to keep me from getting in front of her. She honked her horn at me and waved something, not sure what. I had to get into the left lane because I was turning left, she on the other hand went straight through the intersection, again signaling her displeasure at me in the only way people with a limited intelligence have. What is wrong with people. I don't know if she was in the right lane to share the right of way at the corner of the bridge, but if she had been, I'm quite sure she would have. But just a few short blocks further she becomes a lunatic driver intent on not letting anyone in front of her for fear that she may be a millisecond later at her destination. Ahhh Saskatoon drivers are so uncurteous. No wonder nobody uses their signal lights. I think I should be allowed to pull people like that over and tear up their operators license, and set the little pile of paper on fire.

Trav, you want to help?


Blogger Melanie said...

You really should come to Gillette for a while. Not even in Regina are the drivers this completely inconsiderate. I was almost run down on a crosswalk outside the grocery store, and I was so mad at the jerk in the van that I didn't even think to step backwards, I just got angry and walked right in front of him, making him slam his brakes, and yelled "Too bad, today I'M the center of the universe!! You can wait."
I need to calm down. I'm too much like my mother, and too much like a Braun sometimes.

10:18 AM  
Blogger Becky said...

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1:54 PM  
Blogger Becky said...

I've always wondered why people are so nice at that corner... Usually Saskatoon drivers are big %#*&%$!'s.

1:55 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I think that there's drivers like that everywhere you go... The unfortunate thing is, no matter where you go on earth, you can't get away from the stupidity... I agree with you, Uncle John...

And Mel, that's awesome... Reminds me of the time that Kyle and I were walking home from Subway, and we were crossing in the crosswalk, and this guy in a big half-ton Dodge truck turned and nearly ran me over... I was sick and drugged up on cold medicine and didn't even realize until Kyle grabbed by arm to pull me out of the way and then yelled at the idiot... Or the guy that nearly hit my brother going 60 km/h down a back alley... Freakin' morons...

1:57 PM  
Blogger Carol said...

I do remember the times I had to get onto the bridge. Yep, they sure are considerate.

If you think they get unpleasant in Saskatoon, you should drive in Alberta, or better yet.... the senior's capital of Vancouver Island. (Yep, I mean Parksville!!)

I have noted that out here, if you are wanting to back out, and you are in a parking lot, the guy who is on his way behind you, usually just boots it, so you have no way to pull out until they are out of the way. When I drove in Toon Town, I found that if you were pulling out, they waited, and let you go ahead ( considering you have very limited vision). If you get in an accident in a parking lot in Alberta, and you were not even in your car at the time, it is 50% your fault.!! Way to go Alberta.

8:26 PM  
Blogger Trav said...

yeah... i'll help... did you get a model and plate number

9:25 PM  
Blogger Margaret said...

I don't think it matters where you are, you will find stupid drivers. Too bad stupidity isn't painful.

6:56 AM  
Blogger Melanie said...

That's awesome. Stupidity should hurt, or people should have to wear little armbands or something that give them a shock when they're stupid. That would be amazing.

10:21 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I agree, Mel. Completely. I think that we should send out them to clients, and make it mandatory to wear them. And everyone will have a button, and they can press it when the person is being stupid.

And actually, did you know, Mom, that Qualicum Beach is the retirement capital of Canada? That's right. I live with more old people than a... place with lots of old people? I know that was lame, but I seriously couldn't think of anything. What I love about Parksville: there's a tattoo and piercing parlor right next door to the seniors drop-in centre.

5:37 PM  
Blogger Carol said...

Ok, did not realize Qualicum had more seniors, but that does make sense.

And that would explain why I keep seeing all these seniors walking around with new tattoos. LOL

10:09 PM  
Blogger footsack said...

Yes Qualicum Beach is the senior capital of Canada. I lived in Alberta far too long. There the speed limit is usually 110 on the it's 90 which means that all the seniors go about 65. I get very impatient trying to follow them, or should I say get by them because that is usually what I am doing. I hope that one day when I get that old, people will have more patience with me. I think there is a lesson for me to learn here. One day that will be me...scary!!

11:48 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Oh, Kyle gets so bitter if people are driving even 5 km/h under the speed limit. It's kinda funny. I always try to find a reason they may be driving slow. He just gets mad and mutters to himself and then passes them and gives them dirty looks.

Yeah, it's good to know that when I'm really old and in a wheelchair, I don't hae far to go if I have the sudden urge to have something pierced or tattooed.

2:29 PM  

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