Friday, April 14, 2006

Letter to my MLA

I just went for a walk to Susan and Marv's. On the way back I walked passed the arena and through the park that is just to the south of my place. This park has 3 ball diamonds, 1 full size soccer pitch, and 2 smaller pitches where the little kids come and play soccer all summer long. When they come they bring along their whole family's and the ones not on the pitch run all over the park playing. And every year it is the same thing. Broken beer bottles all along the path that runs alongside the smaller pitches.
Now I'm not saying that all beer drinkers are stupid people, but I am saying that once most of them have had a few, they become stupid. Oh there are still a few brain cells that they haven't killed off valiantly fighting the good fight and trying to control that stumbling body, but its useless. Sooner or later, this now stupid drunk will take his empty beer bottle and smash it on some piece of public property. Then he will raise his arm in victory as if he has just scored the winning touchdown in the Grey Cup, and sealed the victory for his team, not even caring if he has just wasted 4 cents. That's right folks, for everyone of these broken bottles, that stupid drunk has just thrown away a grand total of 4 pennies. One dozen of these is a whole 48 cents, what a terrible waste of money. I have never known anyone who could drink a dozen of these and then be able to even hit the ground with an empty. The deposit was 10 cents even when I used to buy them way back when. They might be worth more some places but at Sarcan you will only get 4 cents apiece when you bring them back.
So I think I will start a letter writing campaign to raise the price of the deposit to $1.00/bottle. Even if that stupid person still breaks them when he is totally drunk, sooner or later he will run out of money and won't be able to buy more. At least early in the mission to kill off another couple of thousand brain cells he will remember that he paid a lot for these bottles and won't at least break them all. If it becomes to expensive maybe they will switch to cans and then when they throw them away I can pick them up and make 10 cents. Some have also said that beer out of a can doesn't taste as good as out of a bottle. Believe me when I say, if your a beer drinker your no connoisseur, champagne or a good wine out of a can, yes, but not beer.
So I am going to start by writing a letter to my MLA, and see where it goes from there. Wish me luck or not, depending on where your feelings lie. I don't really care though, I'm still doing it.


Blogger Becky said...

Picture this... A person goes to a party, has a few glasses of wine, then wanders out to their car with a glass still in their hand. Then, because they don't want to get caught driving with open alchohol in their car, and because they have no where else to put it, they throw the glass onto the yard their car is parked in front of. (Or if they've still got good aim, they smash it to pieces on the sidewalk in front of them.)

Can't picture it? Now try and picture the same thing only substitute a bottle of beer for the glass of wine. That, my friends, is why we cleaned up four beer bottles (in various states of brokenness) from the front of our yard last week, and we didn't clean up one broken glass... Of any kind... Ever.

And don't even get me started on cleaning up all the broken glass from beer bottles from the beaches and campsites we stay in over the summer. And it's always the same... Beer bottles.

Your plan's a good one Dad. Send me a copy of the letter you write and I will sign it and send it to my MLA too. Stinkin' beer bottles. Stinkin' teenagers breaking them in our front yard and then driving off. And don't try and convince me that it's probably not the driver doing the drinking and breaking. The same types of people who drink and break will drink and drive.

12:39 AM  
Blogger footsack said...

I completely agree John. I have found more broken glass from beer bottles than anything else. I think they should raise the price of them as well. I thought the idea for paying for your shopping cart was absolutely brilliant. For those people who really live out of one, the cost is still reasonable and for the young punks who just want to take them and trash them, the cost is usually too high even if it is just a quarter.

5:05 PM  
Blogger Margaret said...

I have picked up at least 2 broken beer bottles and about 8 unbroken from my back yard in the 3 months we have lived here. People throw them through the trees in or back yard and they hit the grass and don't break. If they throw them over the fence they often hit the side of my deck, which is made of brick on one side and then they break. You know, I have never found a martini or wine glass out there anywhere either, but where many people take along pooper scooper bags for their pets, I think I should start carrying a broken beer bottle bag to pick up all the broken glass I find when I am walking. I think your idea rocks, John.

7:32 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I totally agree with you, Uncle John... Maybe we should all make our own letter, and start a petition to our local MLA's... I've never noticed the problem here, as I've never seen them on my parent's property, but then again, I've only been in my house for 3 days, so, we'll see...

I don't mind people who want to sit around and have a beer... So long as you're resposnible about it... but the problem is that people who drink purely to get drunk out of their minds and vandalize public property and make idiots of themselves, are normally teenagers... They normally can't afford anything else with their measly part-time earnings (or allowances from parents, or perhaps stolen... who knows) but beer, because it's cheap (especially the no-name stuff) it's still gets them drunk, and it's COOL... you don't see vodka or wine cooler bottles broken... Beer is a cheap thrill, and seeing as the bottle deposit is so small, once your drunk, so is driving around smashing bottles, because that sound is so satisfying, and I'm sure makes them feel all powerful and mighty that they can smash a beer bottle on the road... If the government really wanted to stop people doing that, they would raise the deposit on bottles so that these cheap teenagers would think twice about wasting that $6.00 they could get back from the six-pack they just bought... It's like my dad says about smoking, too... if they REALLY wanted to stop people from smoking, they'd raise the price of cigarettes so high that only someone who had money to burn (literally) would be buying cigarettes... But they don't, because they're such large corporations, and they make money... So here we are...

2:26 PM  

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