Thursday, June 22, 2006

Pride and disgust

On HNIC on Saturday night, Don Cherry challenged everyone to go order a hat to support or troops and their family's. He is always saying something to try and raise the pride level for our soldiers. I got home from Yorkton and I ordered a couple. I am proud of the fact that they are willing to go and try and bring some kind of stability to a country that has been ruled by hatred.

And then today came the disgust.

In 2004, roger borsch, of The Pas, Manitoba, an ex-soldier who served 6 months in Bosnia, broke into the home of one of his co-workers, tied up and taped the mouth shut of this family's 13 year old little girl and raped her. If that isn't disgusting enough, justice nathan nurgitz found him not guilty by reason of mental disorder. His defense lawyer, jason miller, said he is suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, and he has absolutely no memory of sexually abusing this small child. And because he doesn't remember, he is found not guilty. What an awful injustice and what an awful big lie. This piece of filth said he had witnessed some atrocities in Bosnia, a child blown up by a land mine, he killed a man whom he caught raping a young girl, he says he also killed several other people. None of these instances can be verified by the military. This scumbag is the only one who says these events happened. I don't care what you want to use for a defense, you did it, you pay for it. he will now go before a pyschiatric review panel and they will decide if he should be hospitalized or set free. Absolutely nothing will happen to this creep, except maybe some counseling.
This ladies and gentlemen is our justice system. This is the system we depend on to keep us safe, and when someone steps out of line, we expect the system to work and keep slimeballs like that off the streets. But no, we are supposed to feel compassion for people like that, support them, feel sorry for them, pay for all kinds of treatment, while we push the victim and her family into the background with a slap in the face.
The other thing that really got my dander up was the defense lawyer. On the news tonight when asked about the outcome, he smiled and chuckled when he said that his experts (pyschiatrist) really made a shambles of the prosecution. he said his client was not walking away carefree. "my client is depressed. he has a serious illness." Okay, now that makes me feel a lot different. Go away little girl, can't you see this creep is depressed, we can't send him to jail. For pigs like that we should bring back the death penalty. I am so disgusted, ashamed and just really angry.
John Gormely has a segment on Thursday on his talk show that is called "Bugs day, the hour of rage." When people call and rant like I just did, he sometimes asks them if they feel better now. I don't.
I will still wear my hats when they come, to support the military, but somehow my pride doesn't make my heart swell quite the same as before. This injustice may take a while to flush out of my system. I don't know what I should do. I feel like hitting something, or sitting down and crying as the country that I love is going to hell in a hand basket.


Blogger footsack said...

Yes John I agree. It is hard to see your country slide so far into the gutter. I can't stand it when the justice system is so screwed up. I clearly remember the one time when Dave went to jail. He wrote out a $100 check and it went NSF. He quickly went and paid the guy but the guy still took it to the cops. They charged him anyway and he got 9 months. I don't think he shouldn't have got time but at the same time a guy molested a handicapped child in a wheelchair and also got 9 months. The poor girl couldn't even fight back if she wanted to. Now how fair is that? It basically said that that poor girl life was worth no more than $100. What a sad and sick reality we have to live with in this country. You can rape and kill innocent children as long as you don't touch their money. Makes me ill to think of it.

11:48 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

That's disgusting, and it makes me mad how many people get off with these things because they are determined to be "mentally disturbed" or they were "unaware of what they were doing" and all of this crap. I could understand if this guy was suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, and he had flashbacks, but why would he do something so awful I just cannot understand. If you witnessed something traumatic, would it make you want to do it? That poor girl, I feel so sorry for her and her family.

It reminds me of another story I heard... I think it was in the States somewhere. This guy raped a 6 year old girl, and at the hearing the judge deemed that he was TOO SHORT to be sent to jail, because he would likely be killed. So he got however many years of probation; allowed to roam the streets, but his probation said that he was not "allowed" to be near children under 18, nor date anyone with children under the age of 18. Honestly, if he really cared what he was "allowed" and "not allowed" to do according to law, would he have raped a little girl in the first place? It makes me so mad at the complete injustice. We don't want the rapists to die in jail, so let's set him free to prey upon other innocent and unsuspecting children. The fact that they would make an exception like that... there are honestly no words to describe how that makes me feel. I have very little faith in the justice system.

12:53 AM  
Blogger Margaret said...

First of all, I will not even call it a JUSTICE system. What we have is a LEGAL system where the rights of the accused are placed above the rights of the innocent victims.

I once heard about a man who brutally raped his girlfriends three year old daughter and the judge, who was as sick or sicker than the pondscum who raped her, let him off because the three year old seduced him.
I can just see it. She was probably running around the house in a diaper and t-shirt thinking about how this magot was turned on by her. The disgusting pig and his equally disgusting pig judge should both be thrown in a small cell with a rabid pitbull.

9:06 PM  
Blogger Melanie said...

I hate to play the devil's advocate here, but though our "justice system" is severely flawed, we're better off than most places, except maybe Singapore.
All I think of is that at least we live in a country where you can't throw your naked baby in a river as an offering to the god of death, and have no one even look twice, no one even thinks it's wrong. The stories disgust me, but I'm thankful for the place we live. For all the stories of how justice wasn't served, there are more about how it was, they just don't often make the news. India is in the process of passing laws that make it punishable by death to convert to Christianity, and completely illegal to spread the gospel at all. A christian is not allowed to adopt an Indian baby (bad news for us) and just recently women stopped being burned alive because their husbands had died (they're not worth anything after that) though it still happens. At least here, we're allowed to believe what we want, encouraged actually, and are able to recognize the evil that goes on in our midst for what it is. What if we'd all been brainwashed not to believe anything different than the evil that we see? How much more sad is that? (I really am becoming my mother)...

11:23 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

*sigh* Well, Melanie, just when I was about to go off after reading Auntie Margaret's comment (which is sick and utterly ridiculous, by the way), I realized that, you're right, it sure could be a lot worse. It's incredible the atrocities that happen in countries that are much worse that what happens here. Nothing's ever going to be perfect in this world. Thank you for bringing a different side to it, Mel, and making us realize that really, we don't have it so bad.

2:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay after all the anger has subsided i have to say i knew roger borsch he dated my sister for many years and i do believe it was a horrible thing he did to the girl and he should be punished for it there is no excuse for his actions. i also know that when he did return to the pas he was a completely different person and it pains me to think of what he is going threw the roger i knew would be first in line to hurt any person who would do what he did to her. I do not think at all that he was "faking" his condition. please dont get me wrong i do feel for the girl and i believe he should have recieved some time but we also need to find out why he did this.

12:04 AM  

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