Friday, February 10, 2006

mmmmmm ice cream

To all of you who said I didn't post, here is another one.
I just got back from the store with really, really, really good tasting strawberries. I know, its winter, I don't know where they are from, don't care. They are really, really, really good. So I am going to put some of them in a blender, along with a banana and mmmmmmmm ice cream, and have a little snack to celebrate my friday off. Then I will do some dishes, not in celebration, but because there is a limit to how much fun one should have on a day off. If I make it to good, I will never go back to work.


Blogger Carol said...

Strawberries and ice cream sounded good until you mentione the Banana. (Ewwww!!) Not sure which pregnancy it happened with, but I can no longer eat bananas (unless in Banana bread.)


11:56 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hey, Uncle John, it's Carrie!! I haven't seen you in a long time, but I hope you're doing well! I hope you enjoyed your ice cream... Yeah, Mom, the bananas sound icky... I don't really like bananas either, unless in banana bread... And I've never been pregnant, soo... And that sound when people are chewing bananas?? Ick...

3:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I could go for a strawberry, banana, and ice cream anything right now. Except it might need to be hot, cause it's FREAKING COLD here. It wouldn't be so bad except for the wind, which literally pried my windows open this morning. It's about 60 miles an hour. Sitting at a stop light, my civic was just shaking with the wind. I thought we were going to flip. (okay, not quite that bad - but almost). I had to go out to get cheesecake stuff. I hope the 30 dollars I had to spend on fresh fruit (raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, and peaches) taste as good as yours, Uncle John, and cover up my meager attempts at baking for my husband on our anniversary. Good job with the smoothie, or milkshake, or whatever.

5:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow, I'm turning into one of those people who don't live in BC that just end up railing against the winter. I sound totally miserable.

5:16 PM  
Blogger footsack said...

I am so glad you are enjoying your strawberries. (I bet they come from California or Florida) Although it is very nice out here, it's not quite that nice. I did however have coffee on my deck today with Colleen and Emily and without our jackets. It was great. We even had ice cream. (well they did, I didn't...I don't like it) But for all of you who think we are rubbing it in, we did have insane amounts of rain this winter. It was bad.

9:22 PM  
Blogger Margaret said...

I was busy raking up last years pine cones in preparation for cutting th grass. the people who lived here before never cut the grass in 3 years. the elderly gentleman who lives behind me would do it once or twice a year because he counldn't stand looking at it. I guess the people who lived here were so busy growing pot they thought all grass should be hip length.

9:25 AM  

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